Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am working on a new state of the art bot for evony which will be out soon.

I am just dropping by to tell you that I am working on a new evony bot which will be far better than anything you heard about to saw. What makes it so special?
Answer: ME!
I am a damn good programmer and coding bots for evony is as easy as eating a pie. I code bots with artificial intelligence with tons of if-else statements. Evony bot is going to be easy, yet fun and exciting for me.

I have never put any of my software in front of the general public.
Mos of me software is either used by big corporations or they are used by limited people who can benefit from it.

So, I decide to code some software for the general public and give it out for free. Now I am avid Evony player, I play it anytime ad every time I am free of my work.

Almost 80% of it is done now. Just a few finishing touches left to the masterpiece.
I will put up another post with the download link soon. Keep your eyes on the site :D


  1. hey! where's the bot? I'd love to use it!

    thank you

  2. Hi,

    Cant wait to see the end product. I need help in evony bad!


  3. nice i need a free easy good bot

  4. Will you post please? I've been looking forward to this!
